Welcome to the audio version of The Hearth Matters Chapbook Series, where we question old narratives and offer up new stories and practical advice for how to re-value, re-think and reinvent home & hearth in the 21st century. You can also read and reference the image-rich version of this story at: https://www.thehearthmatters.com/p/the-hearth-matters-series.
Part I, Hearthstory, explores this question: In our relentless pursuit of progress, have we inadvertently dimmed the flame and forgotten the pivotal role that home and hearth play in nourishing the human family? And if so, how do we find our way home?
Up next: Part II, Householder Feminism, examines current feminist narratives and introduces householder feminism as a movement that champions householders and drives meaningful change in the domestic sphere. In Part III, Domesteconomy, we present our big idea for how to reunite work and home in a neighbor to neighbor network that prioritizes human flourishing in a 21st century cottage economy model.
(Audiobook Version) Hearthstory: How to Reinvent Home for Human Flourishing in the 21s Century