Our Nonprofit

Hearth Matters is a new nonprofit on a mission to improve the social and economic status of mothers and householders by reuniting home and work.

Read Our 2024 Case for Support

We believe the Hearth Matters, and that NOW is the time to rethink, revalue and reinvent home and hearth.

Our 2024 Case for Support outlines our plans and proposed funding for the year ahead. Download it here:

Case For Support 2024
5.6MB ∙ PDF file

Your support helps us empower women and householders with the knowledge and the resources they need to create nurturing homes for their families.

Donate to Hearth Matters

Donate to Hearth Matters

Does Our Vision Spark You? Are You a Builder? Do You Have a Story to Share?

We are interested in connecting with anyone interested in this space and always happy to chat: hearthmatters@gmail.com.

And if you love what we’re up to, we would very much appreciate your help with spreading the the word. This is definitely going to take a village!

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